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Adam Ellis Calls Users "Degenerates" and Mocks CSA Victims

Content Warnings: Shaming & Mocking CSA Victims, Accusing CSA Victims Always/Often Becoming Predators, Underaged Sex (Sonic the Hedgehog), "Feral" Art (Pikachu), Sonichu (and all of its implications), Nazi Rhetoric, Use of the Term "Degenerate," Harassment


Adam Ellis, known and beloved cartoon artist, recently chose to "kill" a particular comic of his. This comic depicted himself telling a person to "let people enjoy things" while pinching their mouth closed.

The original comic depicting the two famously-memed panels.

His reasoning was as follows:

This is an extraordinary take for a man who drew Sonic, a known 15-year-old animal, having sex with Pikachu, also an animal (but this time a "feral" one). He also created a follow-up to this comic that depicted a still-teenaged Sonic having sex with an ambulance (not shown). The two comics stirred up a great deal of drama among "antis," TERFs and Evangelicals who demonize sex and sexuality, despite neither being particularly explicit. Regardless, they depicted themes of underage sex as well as a reference to Sonichu, which is it's own rabbit hole that we will not be going down today.

Ellis also edited the panel of Sonic mounting Pikachu into a gif. His defense for this degenerate piece?

Oh, the same reasoning as to why South Park's child sex scenes are okay! Always a good move, a completely air-tight alibi.

Ellis has since gone on a rampage against users who have brought his hypocrisy to his attention, as well as cautioning him (and often downright scolding him) for his use of the word "degenerate," which has strong ties to Nazi ideology. The Nazi party began using this term in the 1920s to describe both modern, sexual, and queer artwork, along with accusing Jewish folk and gay men of degeneracy by their mere existence.

This in and of itself isn't the biggest surprise; plenty of artists who draw objectionable content throw other artists under the bus at any opportunity. The truly disgusting part of this interaction is yet to come.

Understand that we will be blocking out the name(s) of the victims coming forward in his replies, attempting to reason with him. We do not believe their privacy should be invaded, but understand the nature of showcasing these tweets alone may lead someone to finding them. Please be respectful and leave these user(s) alone.

Special thanks to @adybpt for archiving these tweets.

Special thanks to @adybpt for archiving these.

And, finally, Ellis responded to a tweet accusing CSA victims "usually" becoming predators with a resoundingly tasteful, "Ding ding ding."

Thank you to @OneAmahira and @lasaintepoutine for providing this screenshot!

What another fine day of not being able to enjoy an artist's work without wank somehow getting shoehorned in. We're as disappointed as all of you.




BRIA 13 2 b The Suppression of Art in Nazi Germany on the Constitutional Rights Foundation's website

Adam Ellis/adamtotscomix on Twitter

adybpt on Twitter

OneAmahira on Twitter

lasaintepoutine on Twitter


Special Shoutout:

JD Riley's piece on the matter, Adam Ellis Thinks He's not a Degenerate

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Huckin' fell... 😑

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