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Nazis wave "DESTROY PEDO FREAKS" flag, TERFs allow them to march alongside their cause.

Content Warning: TERFs, Neonazis, Real People, Mentions of Pedophilia, Antisemitism


Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull. Image from The Saturday Paper.

The Nazis who came to support her and her TERFs. Image from The West Australian.

A hauntingly familiar sentiment on Twitter displayed by real life NeoNazis, specifically directed towards trans women & queer identities as a whole. Image from

Watch Jessie Gender's fantastic video covering how trans people are willing to stand up and fight fascists.

The more serious discussion here obvious: actual Nazis marching in the street. Support for TERFs (trans exclusionary radical "feminists"-- Keen-Minshull did specify, however, that she was not a feminist). Please watch Jessie's video on the not-sex-specific discussion that NEEDS to be had.

However, a far lesser talked about issue (understandably so!) is the language these groups use. It is very reminiscent of the modern "fandom" spaces. The coopting of young queer people into their rhetoric in a (successful) attempt to turn them on their elders is palpable. Take this tumblr (ew) post as an example:

Referring to people they consider "proship" as goblins. While this user likely has no idea of the implications of this statement, their ringleaders certainly do.

"""Proship""" (or any term zoomers decides implies one is impure through fantasy/sexuality, which can include those who use the term queer, those who believe in kink at pride, those who are NOT Stonewall deniers, and those who consider themselves "radinclus") being referred to as degenerate, eventually getting those people referred to as "goblins," showing off its anti-Semitic roots like a neon flag for those aware of fascist rhetoric.

Teens being indoctrinated into the right through "fandom discourse" and antisex sentiments are proving a major problem for adult queers, particularly trans folk and sex workers. They are advocating for censorship of queer media because it's "icky," actively attacking anything queer that makes it into the public eye, and bolstering the numbers and influence of these fascists.

It's a discussion that isn't as important as "literal Nazis have been marching in the streets in many countries," but it's still one that needs to be had.

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